410-992-3134 foundation@paltmed.org

Wall of Caring and Honor

An Opportunity to Show Care and Honor

Wall of Caring and Honor

Created in 2002, The Wall of Caring honors a tradition of care and respect for the field by and for PALTC Practitioners who band together to raise funds for the Futures Program, a PALTC workforce development initiative, while honoring someone special in their own individual professional or personal lives.

Donors may honor the memory of a mentor, colleague, or loved one, while those being recognized will receive a notice of the honor and be listed on the physical wall of caring at the Annual AMDA Conference and the PALTC Foundation website.

Please take a moment to honor or memorialize someone special to your profession or life while helping another Futures Candidate further their career as a PALTC candidate.

Make your
gift today for
2023 Wall of
Caring & Honor

2023 Wall of Caring and Honor


Shahbaz and Shamim Mallick

by Ms. Suzanne Harris

In honor of the parents of Dr. Imtiaz Mallick, Shahbaz and Shamim Mallick, whose dedicated their lives to helping others, and raising children who continue that legacy.

Dr. Steven Levenson

by Dr. Brian Kiedrowski

Dr. Levenson was one of a kind. Out of the blue I tracked him down 10 years ago asking him for help on policies and procedures. He didn’t know me from Adam….but stopped everything to help me. We spoke several times and I’ll never forget that.

Dr. Steven Levenson

by Gary Attman, Dr. Fatima Sheikh and his friends at FutureCare

With our sincerest condolences on the passing of Dr. Levenson.
Gary Attman, Dr. Fatima Sheikh and his friends at FutureCare.

Dr. Harold Bob

by The Mid-Atlantic Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine

MMDA would like to honor the memory of one of its members and leaders, Dr. Harold Bob.

Dr. Steven Levenson

by Dr. Heidi White

My friend Steve challenged me always, listened frequently, and tirelessly advocated for fundamentally sound medical care in nursing homes. I hope that I have absorbed some of his doggedness to keep the goal simple and clear.

Dr. Steven Levenson

by Dr. Victoria Louise Walker

In memory of Steve Levenson: his commitment to process, excellence and doing the hard work.

Alice Bonner

by Melissa Purvis

An inspiration and mentor to so many of us. Thank you for being a part of my journey.

Ray Bartlett, PA

by Dr. Michael Nash

Ray Bartlett is retiring after over 30 years working in PALTC in the St. Louis area. He has truly been an inspiration in the field.

Mary Cordes

by Dr. Fatima Naqvi

Ian is our administrative staff at Mid-Atlantic Medical Society called Maryland Medical Director Association (MMDA). Ian stepped in and supported our society with his expertise. His administrative skills are remarkable, no matter how tough the situation may be, he handles things smoothly . His mom passed away 2 weeks ago, the donation is to recognize his parents, especially his mother who gifted him with values of service and integrity.

Mary Cordes

by The Mid-Atlantic Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine

Dr. Lisa Lind

by Dr. Susan Levy

Congratulations on being named this year’s Clinician of the Year!

Dr. Dallas Nelson

by Dr. Susan Levy

Congratulations on being named this year’s Medical Director of the Year!

Dr. Chuck Crecelius

by Dr. Susan Levy

Congratulations on winning this year’s James Pattee Award for Excellence in Education!

Dr. Alice Bonner

by Dr. Susan Levy

Congratulations on winning this year’s The William Dodd Founder’s Award for Distinguished Service!

Dr. Steven Levenson

by Dr. James E Lett II

Steve has been a stalwart in the formation and support of AMDA and Medical Direction in PALTC.

Dr. Thomas Edes Chief VA National Geriatrics and Extended Care

by Dr. Damascene S. Kurukulasuriya

My greatest tribute and gratitude to this Loving friend , Mentor and Champion and a most compassionate and dedicated Geriatrician to the veterans of this land he has given his life.

May God Bless him and all what he does.

Melissa Purvis

by Dr. Nancy Istenes

In Honor of Melissa Purvis and her support of PALTC and unwavering passion.

Chris Ewing

by Dr. Nancy Istenes

In Gratitude to Chris Ewing for her support of the Workforce Development Committee.

Dr. Steven Levenson

by Dr. Thomas Edmondson

Steve was a medical director’s medical director who cared about residents, staff, and medical directors. I valued his counsel and never-ending focus on quality and on principles of geriatric medicine and principles guiding post-acute and LTC. He will be sorely missed.

Dr. Steven Levenson

by Dr. Damien J. Doyle

Steve was a true pioneer and giant in PALTC – he will immensely missed.

Dr. Steven Levenson

by Dr. Elizabeth Cobbs

Steve Levenson was a prince among teachers. He set a stellar example for me, our fellows and our faculty. His passion for excellence in post-acute care inspired us over many years.

Irma Jean Brainard

by Dr. Suzanne Gillespie, Dr. Milta Little, Dr. Swati Gaur, Dr. Sabine von Preyss-Friedman, and Dr. Rajeev Kumar

“In memory of Dr. Heidi White’s mother, Irma Jean Brainard. She (and you) have a legacy of caring and supporting community. You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. With love, Suzanne, Milta, Swati, Sabine and Rajeev”

Dr. Robert Kaplan

by Dr. Timothy Holahan

“In memory of Dr. Robert Kaplan who taught mine and many others CMD core curriculum”

Medical Directors

by Carolyn Kazdan-Snedeker

“In honor of the Medical Directors who have served in my facilities over the years”

Shirley Hanley, NP

by Dr. Karen Kahn

“In honor of Shirley Hanley, NP for her excellence and dedication to providing care and expanding access to quality care for patients residing in post-acute and long term care facilities in our community.”

Dr. Robert Kaplan

by Dr. Suzanne Gillespie

“I vividly recall meeting Bob – He was the first AMDA leader I met on my way to my first committee meeting. He was an incredibly engaging and immediately made me feel welcomed and inspired to work. As I went on working in AMDA, Bob was consistently supportive to me and shared the knowledge and energy he had to help those caring for and living in post-acute and long-term care settings. When I eventually was elected president of AMDA, Bob was one of the first to share with congratulations. I am so grateful for the gift he was in my life and will carry a piece of him with me on my journey.”

Paul Katz

by Dr. Kenneth Brubaker

“In honor of Dr. Paul Katz who played an important role in the improvement of our Foundation’s vision and mission.”

Milta Little

by Dr. Suzanne Gillespie

“In memory and honor of your mother and her impacts in education, community and family. She leaves a beautiful legacy. You are in our thoughts and prayers.”

Chris Laxton

by Rebecca Elon

“In honor of Chris Laxton’s leadership”

Chris Laxton

by Dr. Michele Bellantoni

“In honor of Chris Laxton’s leadership in PALTC”

Chris Laxton

Dr. Laura Morton

Thank you for your leadership and service to ABPLM, AMDA, and post-acute and long-term care medicine. Your compassionate and patient leadership brought stability and comfort to this organization as it has grown and evolved over your tenure. I am grateful I had the opportunity to work with you and learn from you. Thank you for everything and best wishes on the next phase of your journey.

Chris Laxton

by Dr. Rajeev Kumar

“Thanks for 10 stellar years of leadership excellence at AMDA!”

Glenn Hendrix Esq.

by Alan Horowitz

In Honor of your loving wife, Lisa. May she rest with the angels.

Victoria Hann

by Dr. Sing T. Palat

“In Honor of Victoria Hann, our hardworking director.”

Mary Wright

by Wayne Saltsman, MD, CMD

“In honor of Mary Wright.”

Susan Levy, MD, CMD

by Patricia Curtin, MD, FACP, CMD

“In honor of Dr. Susan Levy for all her work with PALTC and also in the state of Delaware, especially through this pandemic. We are most grateful.”

J.M. McCarthy

by Teresa McCarthy

“In memory of J.M.McCarthy – a wonderful husband, father and man.”

Debbie Addison

by Susan Levy, MD, CMD

“In honor of Debbie Addison for her many years of service to AMDA the Society for PALTC! Thanks so much for your help over the years. Congratulations on your retirement!”

Lauren Hutchinson

by Karyn Leible, MD, CMD

“In memory of my sister, Lauren Hutchinson who enjoyed my AMDA colleagues.”

Elizabeth Doyle

by Dr. Damien Doyle

“In honor of my wife, Elizabeth, for her strength, courage and grace in her triumph battle with cancer!”

Frank Elbridge Brainard

by Susan Levy, MD, CMD

“In memory of Heidi White’s father Frank Elbridge Brainard. A life well lived!”

Tim & Sarah

by Dr. Suzanne Gillespie

“In honor of Tim and Sarah, Bills Fans.”