About Us
The Foundation for Post-Acute & Long-Term Care Medicine is a nonprofit organization that envisions a world in which all post-acute and long-term care (PALTC) patients and residents receive the highest-quality care for optimum health, function, and quality of life.
The Foundation works toward this vision through stewardship, funding and promoting education, training, and provision of clinical resources for PALTC settings. By meeting its goals, the Foundation supports the advancement of a competent PALTC workforce and transformational research that contributes to the innovation in the practice of PALTC medicine.

2024 Board of Directors

Heidi K. White, MD, MHS, MEd, CMD
Associate Professor, Duke University School of Medicine Geriatric Medicine Specialist, Durham, NC

Cari Levy, MD, PhD, CMD
Chair Elect
Professor- Vice Division Head, Health Care Policy and Research. The University of Colorado, School of Medicine Aurora, CO

Susan M. Levy, MD, CMD
Immediate Past Chair
Multi-facility Medical Director
Geriatric Consultant
Franklin, DE

J. Kenneth Brubaker, MD, CMDR
Chief Medical Director
Pennsylvania Dept of Aging
Mount Joy, PA

Barbara J. Zarowitz, PharmD, FCCP, BCPS, CGP, FASCP
Program Chair
Advancing Geriatric Pharmacotherapy Solutions – Affiliate Professor, The Peter Lamy Center on Drug Therapy and Aging University of Maryland,
School of Pharmacy
Las Vegas, NV

Tom Haithcoat
President, Ceptor Consulting, LLC
Indianapolis, Indiana

Arif Nazir, MD, CMD
Chief Medical Officer, Signature Healthcare

Michelle Zinnert, CAE
Executive Director
The Foundation for Post-Acute and Long-Term Medicine
Columbia, MD
The Development Committee raises funds sufficient to provide financial resources for the programs and services the Foundation Board has identified as aligned with our mission.
- Chair: Denise Wassenaar, RN, MS, NHA
- J. Kenneth Brubaker, MD, CMDR
- Daniel Haimowitz, MD, FACP, CMD
- James E. Lett, II, MD, CMDR
- Susan M. Levy, MD, CMD
- Barbara Resnick, PhD, CRNP
- David Smith, MD, CMD
- Barbara J. Zarowitz, PharmD, BCPS, CGP
The Program Committee, chaired by Heidi K. White, MD, MEd, CMD provides oversight of specific Foundation programs and advises the Board on the status of the Foundation’s programs.
- Chair: Heidi K. White, MD, MHS, MEd, CMD
- Patricia Bach, PsyD, RN
- Eric Hasemeier, DO, MBA, CMD
- Jamyl Walker, MSN, APRN, AGNP-C
- Co-Chair: Heidi K. White, MD, MEd, CMD
- Co-Chair: Cari Levy, MD, PhD, CMD
- Laurent Adler, MD
- Jade Santiago Kim, BSN, RN
- Victoria Nalls, PhD, GNP-BC, ACHPN
- Sandeep Patel, MD, CMD
- Claire Regan, DNP, BSN
- Tiffany Rose, NP
Our Foundation Staff
The Foundation’s work is overseen by a board of directors and senior leadership staff who deeply believe in our vision.

Michelle Zinnert, CAE
Executive Director
Columbia, MD

Victoria Hann, MPA, CFRE
Foundation Director
Columbia, MD

Lauryn Casady, MA
Foundation Specialist
Columbia, MD