Lifetime Giving Societies
The Foundation for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine
Recognition & Giving Societies
Philanthropy has been the cornerstone for the Foundation since its inception…started by and for the PALTC practitioner. To honor donors who include the Foundation in their philanthropic plans each year, the Foundation has created the below annual and lifetime giving societies to gratefully recognize and acknowledge these individuals for their trust
through philanthropy.
Join the Club!
President’s Club
Lifetime Donors of $25,000 and above (cumulative)
*gratefully recognizes new President’s Club Members ~ Welcome!

David Brechtelsbauer, MD, CMDR

J. Kenneth Brubaker, MD, CMDR

*James E. Lett II, MD, CMDR & Cheryl Phillips, MD, CMD

*Susan M. Levy, MD, CMD

*Keith L Rapp, MD, CMD

Robert Reynolds, MD
Founder’s Club
Lifetime Donors of $10,000 ~ $24,999 (cumulative)

Lory Bright-Long, MD, CMD

Charles A. Crecelius, MD, PhD, CMD

Jonathan Evans, MD, CMD & Mary P. Evans, MD, CMD

Paul Katz, MD, CMD & Laurel Pfeil, MD

Keith Krein, MD, CMD

Cari Levy, MD, Ph.D., CMD

John Morley, MB, BCh

Jonathan Musher, MD, CMD & Ursula Musher, MD

Julia Powell, RN

Barbara Resnick, PhD, CRNP

William Smucker, MD, CMD & Helen Smucker, RN

Daniel Swagerty, Jr., MD, MPH, CMD

Heidi White, MD, MEd, CMD